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SIPmath Basics
Introduction to the SIPmath Modeler Tools
An add-in to Excel that makes it easy to create simulation models, which then run on their own without any macros or add-ins.
How the Data Table Works in SIPmath
Brian Putt and Sam Savage explain how the Data Table works in SIPmath.
Generating Probability Distributions
Videos from Brian Putt, Chair of Applications and Technical Support
Binomial Distribution (3:37)
Comparing Meyerson, Metalog, and Discrete Distributions (3:14)
Copying Correlated Random Variables with Dynamic Array Functions When Not Supported in Excel (4:48)
Correlating Distributions in the SIPmath Enterprise Tools (6:01)
Discrete and CDF Demonstration with Updated SIPmath Tool Bar (9:31)
Myerson Distribution (8:07)
Sampling From a P10-P50-P90 Distribution Using the Myerson with Updated SIPmath Tool Bar 3.0 (6:14)
Subdividing a Distribution Using a Non-Numeric Character (5:08)
Generating SIP Libraries from @Risk and Crystal Ball
Leverage @RISK and Crystal Ball
@RISK from Palisade and Crystal Ball from Oracle are perfect platforms for generating SIP libraries for use in interactive simulations in Excel