Livestream — Probability Management

Chance Age Webinar Series


Chance Talk: Conversations around Uncertainty

Join Sam Savage, Alex Sidorenko and other influential Chance Age thinkers as they discuss recent developments in the discipline of probability management and risk analysis. Typical topics include:

  • Making chance-informed decisions to cure the Flaw of Averages.

  • Conveying uncertainties as data stored in stochastic libraries, which may be used in Excel, R, or Python.

  • The Metalog distribution, a new approach for quantifying uncertainty with a single family of formulas that greatly streamline traditional forms statistical and risk analysis.

  • The Chief Probability Officer, who maintains statistical coherence across enterprise risk models.

  • The difference between the generators and users of stochastic libraries and why it is so important that they collaborate.

  • The reduction in subjectivity in expert forecasts and assessments through calibration.

  • The connection between decision science, behavioral economics and probability theory.