Stochastic Data: Gateway to AI

AI is trained on Stochastic (uncertain) data. It can then provide Stochastic Data for use in chance-informed applications if you have a place to store it and a way to use it. The SIPmath Standard and ChanceCalc perform these functions.

Part 1, 1:33 - Introduction

What Stochastic Data Does

Part 2, 2:33 - A Flaw of Averages Classic

A problem to be solved with Stochastic Data

Part 3, 4:33 - What is Stochastic Data

Learn how native Excel can use Stochastic Data to roll dice 10,000 times before your finger leaves the <Enter> key

Part 4, 4:32 - Chancification, the Probability Power Grid

Stochastic Data in the cloud cures the Flaw of Averages introduced in Part 2

Part 5, 2:00 - Chance-informed Decisions

Stochastic Data accommodates your risk attitude

Part 6, 1:15 - The Stochastic Data Cycle

Use Stochastic Data or lose it

Part 7, 2:22 - Regression, the Protozoa of AI

The Stochastic Data cycle can be understood in terms of linear regression

Part 8, 0:49 - Summary

The SIPmath Standard lets you store and use Stochastic Data

Presentations by Dr. Sam L. Savage during the 2024 Risk Awareness Week: