Risk Management

Measuring Resilience in Cyber Security

NetSim models a fundamental concept in Cyber Risk. It predicts the chance of failure for a network of a chosen geometry, with arcs that are each vulnerable to disruption. This documented SIPmath model lets the user specify the network geometry. It then instantly shows the chance that the network remains fully connected for various levels of arc vulnerability.


This three part blog series for the FAIR Institute explains how The FAIR™ Ontology and open SIPmath™ standard are complementary methodologies for managing risk and communicating uncertainty respectively. Combining FAIR and SIPmath provides a revolutionary way to link risk models with revenue models of various sorts to gain an enterprise-wide view of risk/return tradeoffs. FAIR Institute January 2024.


Rolling Up Operational Risk at PG&E

by Jordan Alen, Christine Cowsert Chapman, Melissa Kirmse, Farshad Miraftab, and Sam L. Savage

This article details how probability management provides an overall risk snapshot that allows diverse stakeholders to assess tradeoffs between safety, reliability, and cost. ORMS Today, December 2016.

Asset Level Model.xlsx

Consolidated Risk.xlsx

Open FAIR™ Risk Analysis Tool

ProbabilityManagement.org teamed up with the Open Group and San Jose State University to create a risk management application based on the SIPmath standard. The Open FAIR risk methodology provides a factor analysis of information risk and represents an important step towards standardizing cyber risk.

Open FAIR Risk Model

Open Fair Risk Model.png